Wednesday, September 23, 2020

What are the different goals of social development?


You all might be aware that the UN is on the mission to create a sustainable society until 2030. Its focus is to come up with a society where every individual will love to live.

We all know that one of the areas of UN sustainable development goals is to bring social development in the world.  

What is social development?

Social development is all about investing in people. Its main objective is, creating a society by removing all the barriers that result in diminishing the confidence of people in the community. The barriers in society include inequality regarding caste, gender, religion, political backgrounds, etc.

The society succeeds if and only if each and every citizen is developed socially and economically.

Differentgoals of social development

·         The main goal of social development is to give equal opportunity to every person to earn his livelihood, depending on his talent and education.

·         It also focuses on the formation of human capabilities such as better health, knowledge, and skills. 

·         Economic growth by individual human development

·         Distribute benefits equally among the community regardless of gender, race, caste, or any other barriers of discrimination.

·         Bring balanced regional development.

The social ripples work on these goals of UN SDG along with the individuals and organizations. Its prime focus is on bringing the qualitative growth and development within the society by generating awareness among the people. They also focus of promoting the idea of helping the people to live a quality life with confidence and dignity. it will help every individual to develop himself and his family by using his skills in a meaningful way. If their families also do well they can contribute equally to bring up a better-developed society.

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